Tuesday, 28 February 2012

27 Feb 2012 - Draw a pig icebreaker

Today I completed the second day of my training qualification upgrade, and during the introduction we each participated in an ice breaker. The facilitator asked us to find a blank piece of paper and draw a pig. Once all our pigs were drawn, the instructor interpreted what our particular drawings told us about our personalties. If we drew the pig at the top of the page, then we were optimists, in the centre, realists, or at the bottom, pessimists. If our pig was looking to the left of the page we were, traditional, friendly and good at remembering dates. If it was looking at you, you're considered direct, happy to discuss or argue a topic and keen to play the devil's advocate. Pigs looking to the right of the page indicated an innovative and active person, who is poor at remembering dates. A detailed pig drawing meant an analytical and cautious individual. A pig with four legs indicated a secure, to the point of being stubborn, individual. Less than four, meant an insecure person or one who is going through a period of change. Large ears meant good listeners, and the longer the tail, the more intelligence you are expected to exhibit.

I found this icebreaker fun and interesting, I mean can you really tell all that from the way in which I drew a pig? I think this test is not based in fact and created only to give a bit of fun in the training session. However, having said that, it was quite accurate for myself. My pig was in the centre, and I do consider myself to be a realist. It was looking forward and I am direct and happy to discuss or argue a topic. Also one of my sister's teachers in secondary school used to call her DOS, Daughter Of Satan, and I do stand up for my parents, so based on the nickname, I really am a devil's advocate. My pig had four legs, and I am quite secure in my ideas, to the point of stubbornness, having said that however, I am always willing to point out when others are wrong. My ears were pretty small, but I think that more indicates, not a lack of listening skills, but perhaps a lack of caring what some people have to say. The tail of my pig was quite long too, and I believe I am quite intelligent, hence why I am secure in my ideas and happy to tell others they are wrong. Overall I think this is a fun ice breaker, as long as you don't take it too seriously!

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