Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Cat games on ipads

I was chatting to a friend of mine at lunch the other day and she was telling me about a game that you can get for your ipad, which is made for cats. Basically the game consists of a mouse running around the ipad screen and the cat has to hit the mouse with its paw. It is a very simple concept and apparently cats love it. My friend told me her friend's cats play it all the time, often enough that the protective casing on her ipad is covered in scratches.

At lunch there was also a little girl, who I noticed could use an iphone more adeptly than I can, and also seems to know how to do more things on the iphone than I do. I am ok with a child being better at using technology than myself, because nowadays they are probably already using them in their cradles, however hearing about this new electronic game for cats depressed me a little, because now I can see a future, in my lifetime, where not only will children be better with technology than I am, but where pets will be better with technology too. I just don't think I am ready for that future! I still remember a time before there were VCRs, and when the walkman was the coolest invention ever!

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