Wednesday, 14 March 2012

9 Mar 2012 - Ska Music

Tonight I was out for some drinks with friends of mine from work, and we got onto the topic of music (mainly because the music being played was bad). After a little discussion a song came on that both my friends liked, but that I had never heard. Neither of my friends could believe that I had never heard the song before and told me that it was scar music. This conjured up images of people with scars writing and performing music. They clarified the phrase by spelling it out as s k a, Ska music.The style of music playing wasn't one that I had really heard in the past, and my friends telling my the type of music didn't really clarify any further. So my friends explained a little more about what Ska music was and the conversation went on to different Ska bands that they liked.

I decided once I got home to Google Ska music, and I found that it originated in Jamaica. It is a blend of Caribbean mento and calypso with American jazz and rhythm and blues, which fitted with the definition my friends had given. I must say that the song that I heard was not really to my liking, so I am not surprised that I had never heard of Ska music prior to this evening. However, overall I am glad that I learnt about Ska music, so that I could blog about it, but also so I know another type of music that I can cross of my list of music I enjoy.

If you want to read more about Ska music check out Wikipedia.

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