Sunday, 1 April 2012

23 Mar 2012 - A vaccination against cat allergies

Today I was talking to a friend of mine, who told me that it was now possible to vaccinate yourself against cat allergies. I was a little skeptical, and I also thought that maybe she was just thinking of needles that you can get to help with allergies in general, because that can also help with cat allergies. However, when I got home and Googled 'cat allergies vaccination', I discovered that a team of scientists have identified a molecule in cats that sparks the majority of people's allergies of them, de-constructed this molecule, along with samples of people's blood who have allergies, and have developed a specific vaccination that people can get to reduce or stop their allergies to cats.

Now my first thought, and I have wondered this for a long time, why do people have cats if they are allergic to them? Why would you go through the effort of vaccinating yourself against cats, why not just avoid them? It doesn't make sense to me, I am allergic to bees, but you don't see me asking scientists to create a vaccine so that I can start my lucrative career as a bee keeper. I just cross that profession off my list! Surely if you are allergic to something it is natures way of telling you that you shouldn't be around that thing. I guess, it is just a human trait, people say you can't have that, you automatically want it! I guess nature just misjudged humans, it tried to warn us, via allergies, that we shouldn't be near a certain thing, but that just made us want it more!

If you want to read more about the cat vaccine, check out this Science Daily article.

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