Sunday, 1 January 2012

1 Jan 2012 - How to create a blog

I have always been interested in the saying, "You learn something new everyday", I use this saying all the time and it got me to thinking, do I actually learn something new everyday? I decided this year to actually try and take note of things that I learn throughout the the day to see if I do in fact learn something new each day. 

Now a few ground rules are needed to determine what I learn each day, for example my manager told me the other day that if she didn't go to the bathroom right then that she was going to wet her pants. Technically that is something that I learnt for the day, however when I use the saying, "You learn something new everyday", I would never use it for that type of revelation. When I was told the other day what a Braxton Hicks contraction (false labour) was, I actually used the phase, well you learn something new everyday! Now there are going to be some grey areas amongst what I learn, and my rule of thumb is going to be, if I think I learnt something I will use again, whether it be a fact or a revelation about the world around me, I will include it in this blog. If I learn more than one thing, I will write the one that I found most fascinating, which may or may not be boring to you, but hey I can't please everyone.

Okay, with the ground rules established, what I learnt today was how to create a blog. I had always imagined that blogs were some part of a cyber world in which I had no place, a place where computer savvy individuals could spout their ideas to the world at large. As it turns out anyone with an email account can easily start one thanks to Google! The mystery has been dispelled for me and the world will never be the same, or more likely it will be exactly the same but now I will be able to spout my ideas to the world, which may not be a positive thing!

So that everyone can learn with me, all you have to do to create a blog is have a gmail account, click on the link and follow the prompts, I had mine create in under 5 minutes! It took me much longer to write this post though, so you might also need an idea of what you want to blog about, it doesn't have to be interesting, just as long as you want to write about it, that is the beauty of blogs!

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