Sunday, 8 January 2012

7 Jan 2012 - How to bake a lemon tart

I am not really much of a baker, I see all of these delicious deserts out there and I assume they must be extremely difficult to make because they look so good and taste so amazing! I do make a mean triple chocolate brownie and chocolate pudding but that is about the extent of my talent. This morning however I observed a friend of mine baking a lemon tart! Now admittedly she bought the pastry pre-made to save time but I never really assumed that the pastry was the difficult part, I always thought that it was the lemon mixture in the middle, my friend however has dispelled this myth forever, I even fell confident that I could bake a lemon tart!

I am not going to go into great detail about how to bake a lemon tart, if you want that in depth knowledge I suggest you take a cooking class or as lemon tarts are so simple just Google it and give it a go! What I will share with you is that you don't have to follow the recipe as strictly as I always thought you must, my friend was very slap dash about quantities and method and it still turned out amazingly. So my lesson learnt for the day is not just how to bake a lemon tart, but that maybe all the recipes I have been following strictly don't need to be adhered to so stringently and that I shouldn't stress if I stray a little, as things will most likely turn out for the best! I am not suggesting throwing away the recipe and working from nothing, I am suggesting that we should adopt a more trial and error approach to baking, some baking will work out fine if you stray from the recipe, some might work out better, others will fail, but in the end they will all taste great!

The recipe my friend used and I plan to try baking one day is from

Who knew learning could be so delicious!

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