Monday, 30 January 2012

28 Jan 2012 - How to Boogie (Body) Board

I am currently on a beach holiday with friends of mine and have been struggling with how to use a Boogie (Body) board. I just can't seem to consistently catch the waves or ride very far. To help me better use the board my friend gave me a lesson which I found to be very helpful. Firstly I needed to put one hand on top of the board so that the force of the wave wouldn't push the board out from under me, the other hand should be on the side of the board, I chose my right hand on top and left to the side, because I am right handed. Next I need to get on the board with my lower chest, but not too much of my body on the board or I will push the nose of the board down and the wave will toss me down instead of forward. I should maintain the top of the board by my body weight at one end and push the board with my top hand to balance it out and keep the nose just on top of the water. Also to keep your body low to the board, so do not have your elbows on the board, you need to be as aerodynamic as possible. Then finally I need to jump forward when the wave is just about to break. Now I admit, these tips are all well and good, but when the wave is coming it is hard to keep them all in mind, so the best thing to do is practice!

I spent a couple of hours practicing today and managed to catch four waves all the way to the beach. The feeling of the wave picking you up and you hurtling along to the beach is a great feeling and was worth all of the failed attempts. The failed attempts were still heaps of fun! The more I practiced the more I got to know when to jump, and to notice that not all waves can be ridden all the way into the beach, some waves just die down a long way from the sand and are impossible to ride all the way. Overall I would recommend for anyone to try Boogie boarding, and to fail as well. I am still not consistently catching the waves, but I am catching more than I was before and having much more fun along the way!

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